Together with the French writer Frédéric Hoffmann, Susana Ferran carried out a participative photographic project at the Kailash Home, combining art and awareness.


In May 2014, they had the chance to become part of the life of the Kailash Home for 10 days and to carry out artistic activities with the young people who live there. Using photography, drawing, music and video, they worked together with the boys and girls to creatively express simple philosophical concepts, the young people’s dreams and their ideas about the future.

This creative collaboration with the boys and girls of the Kailash Home is continuing through a series of photography exhibitions and poetry readings by Susanna Ferran and Frédéric Hoffmann which are held in conjunction with Mountaineers for Himalayas Foundation.

Since 2014, Susanna donates 15% of the profits obtained from the sale of her pictures to Mountaineers for Himalayas.