Mountaineers for Himalayas Foundation
Plaça de la Germandat, 9
AD600 Sant Julià de Lòria. Andorra
Ester Segura Lanao
Tel: (+376) 873 851 / 800 515
Fax: (+376) 800 525
Bank details
Bank account in Andorra
ANDBANK AD67 0001 0000 4001 3450 0100
Bank account in Spain
BBVA ES90 0182 2342 1802 9150 3515
(*) For donations over €99 it is essential to identify the donor to
Mountaineers for Himalayas Foundation – Edurne Pasaban
C/ Okendo, 5-6º
10004 Donostia (Gipuzkoa). Spain
Idoia Rodríguez
Tel: (+34) 94 342 39 16
Bank details
BBVA ES12 0182 0300 1502 0155 2754
(*) For donations over €99 it is essential to identify the donor to